
I wanted to thank you again for the time that you spent with us today. I have had some great feedback and everyone is itching for more time with you. I talked briefly with some of the leadership who were on the call today about potentially having you come in for a longer engagement. Additionally, others are interested in introducing you to other organizations that are affiliated with. I hope that this hour provides you with further exposure and opportunity.

I will share success stories with you as they occur. Thanks again and we will be in touch.

Rebecca O'Connell
Director, Working Capital Advisor - NE Region (East Coast CREB)
Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Judith E. Glaser
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Recent Reviews

Yale University

Reading the book profoundly effected - and changed my approach to all of my interactions. Not only have I been reviewing how to handle the common misunderstandings and miscommunications in my life, but also how to advise close friends on how to improve their life situations through conversation. It has altered my thought processes and undoubtedly my neurotransmitters. Quite a few people will be on the receiving end of a copy from me. If it has the same effect on them, a chain of goodwill is to follow.

Sue Atkins, Physicians Assistant, Yale University

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