
Judith E. Glaser worked with the Dallas VCG last Monday about Conversational Intelligence®. At least two of the Members (Chairs) commented afterwards that she was the best speaker they have ever heard from the perspective of Chairing. I highly recommend her as a VCG Speaker and am wondering if she falls into the “thought leader” category for the International Chair Development Workshop.

Brant Houston
Vistage Regional Executive, Southern Region
TX, AR, LA, MS, AL (Mobile Area)

Thank you for sharing your life-work with my groups this week. You passion and insights were refreshing and inspirational, challenging the members to examine the way they “do culture”. I did send a copy of the Creating WE-Index Report to all three group in case any of them are interested.

I wish you continued success and fulfillment with this exciting work!

Stu Watson, Vistage

Judith E. Glaser
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Recent Reviews

Yale University

Reading the book profoundly effected - and changed my approach to all of my interactions. Not only have I been reviewing how to handle the common misunderstandings and miscommunications in my life, but also how to advise close friends on how to improve their life situations through conversation. It has altered my thought processes and undoubtedly my neurotransmitters. Quite a few people will be on the receiving end of a copy from me. If it has the same effect on them, a chain of goodwill is to follow.

Sue Atkins, Physicians Assistant, Yale University

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